10000 Small Businesses at Goldman Sachs Headquarters
A networking event was held at Goldman Sachs Corporate Headquarters, 200 West Street, a LEED Gold Certified building for the 10000 Small Busnesses launch class. The event was to intorduce the 23 participants to Goldman Sachs volunteers. The program is designed to help small business owners through education, mentoring, networking, job creation and access to financing. Mike DiMarino, President of Linda Tool is one of the 23 participants. Also in attendance were Lloyd Blankfein, CEO of Goldman Sachs, Dina Powell, Managing Director at Goldman Sachs, David Solomon, Co-Head Investment Banking Division, Gregg Gonsalves, Managing Director, Investment Banking Division and many of the Staff of Goldman Sachs who generously donated their time towards the program. Representing LaGaurdia Community College were Gail Mellow, President, Jane MacKillop, Associate Dean and Demica Durr and Rosa Figeuroa, Business Counselors to the participants of the Program.
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